UP Faith and Family Watch Full Length The Lion King

The Lion King UP Faith and Family




  • year: 2019
  • country: UK
  • Writers: Jonathan Roberts
  • Duration: 118Minute
  • Score: 187979 vote
  • summary: After the murder of his father, a young lion prince flees his kingdom only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery


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Visually, it is stunning. It"s actually hard to believe that it"s CGI rather than real life. Other than that, the film isn"t good. It"s almost scene for scene and word for word exactly the same as the original, which seems entirely pointless. It"s so safe that it"s boring. The other huge issue is that none of the animals show any facial emotion, which adds to the flatness of the film, unfortunately.

It"s not better than the animated movie, but I really enjoyed a lot. Please realise that this movie was meant to be realistic. They are not going to have a pig in clothes or a lion dancing. It"s not a cartoon. See it for what it is. I loved it, worth seeing just to hear Seth Rogen laugh as Pumba! ??.

